
The Flow of Love

The Flow of Love


The flow of love

We are not held back by the love we didn’t receive in the past, but by the love we’re not extending in the present.

Marianne Williamson


If love doesn’t satisfy us, why do we fall in love? Belief. When we think we have accepted this truth, we look back, open our eyes, and forget. In our delusions, we identify with all differences, not all differences, between ourselves and others, and we experience separation in our lives. , we desire our truth. We need each other with whom we have lost touch. We seek the unity that is missing in the eyes of those we encounter. Sometimes we see something there that makes us angry. Oh my God, we thought. They know me! I know them! We find something harmonious and harmonious in each other. We are safe, comfortable, secure. Our way of thinking is, in a sense, the best; We feel the need to go easy on ourselves and never try to please anyone. Together with this person, we feel a sense of unity with nature, with God. My inner self is the self that sees and knows your inner self. We call this falling in love. This person is like me enough to let my guard down, but not enough to hold my heart. All this biochemical hormonal soup is intoxicating, especially if we have had no one and no God by our side for years. There is no collective experience. Love feels good. They are 100% thoughts that pass through our body and give us information about what we should do and with whom we should do it. Now tell us there is still a reason to live. But it all happens inside us. Not from the outside. But connecting with others allows us to feel our emotions. Like electricity stored in a battery, this electricity cannot be addressed until the connection between the two poles is made. It is this connection that allows the flow and movement of energy to occur. electric.


We began to enjoy the return of both of us and it was interesting to let everything that was hidden inside me begin to express itself; We come to know God through the love and care that flows between us. We find the right person who will listen to us and give it to him. Don’t buy, just to have room to give; Thus, we encounter another negative side of everything: The more love we put into the world, the more we see that the same love returns to us.


Smile and be interested in the people I meet and focus more on what’s going on around me rather than what’s going on inside me. I will try to find a place in others where I can connect and express the love and hope I have been given. I will give myself a reason to love.



I am Dr.Lal Karun. People Management Professional | Life Coach | Meditation Expert l Poet l Author l Abundant Mystic

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